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CBD Hemp Oil & Tinctures

Given its legality and effectiveness for potential pain relief, CBD has been formulated into a wide variety of products intended to make it easier for oral consumption.


Tinctures are one of the most popular forms of CBD ingestion. A tincture allows you to consume CBD sublingually (under the tongue) with little intrusive tastes and no combustion or inhalation. Just tune in and drop out. The CBD in a tincture is often extracted using an ethanol solution and is known for its long shelf life. If stored properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight, it can be usable for years. Tinctures are also powerfully potent and concentrated-- a standard dose typically only requires one or two drops held under the tongue without swallowing for 30-60 seconds. 

Oral Sprays 

Another powerful and potent way to dose up on CBD is with an oral spray. These are often preferred by those who may find tinctures unpleasant for one reason or another, as sprays are usually tasteless and dissolve instantly into your mouth. In fact, the CBD in an oral spray can oftentimes be faster-acting and their effects more direct. Spray also limits the amount of excess phytocannabinoid extract that is lost through bioavailability and metabolic waste. Sure, whatever, sounds great.


CBD or hemp seed oil is not limited to just tinctures and sprays. You can also reap the benefits using products such as topical release patches, dissolvable pods, and many more.



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