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By Smoke Cartel Crew on Jul 28, 2016

The smoking industry has been making efforts to find healthy alternatives for smoking both flowers and concentrates. These efforts have lead to revolutionary devices such as convection vaporizers and hemp wicks, but one particular ever-growing innovation is the Health Stone. The Health Stone has enabled dabbers to consume concentrates in a way that is both flavorful and safe, making it a unique addition to any dabstation

The Health Stone’s unique function is owed entirely to their Vapor Stone— an inert sintered element that has very low heat retention and doesn’t release any chemicals or gasses. This enables users to taste the full flavors of their concentrates-- assuming they use the Health Stone correctly.

Because you apply a blow torch’s blue-hot flame directly to your concentrates on top of the Health Stone, it’s important to have a good handle on vaporization temperatures to really taste the flavors of your concentrates. Some torches produce flames hotter than 2000 degrees fahrenheit, and the ideal temperatures to release terpenoids does not exceed 450 degrees fahrenheit in most cases. Temperature variations will produce wildly different results, and it takes a skilled dabber to operate a Health Stone without combusting their concentrates. Combustion also increases the harshness of smoking and leads to more lung discomfort.

In order to use the Health Stone without completely burning your concentrates, keep the flame at a distance from your slide. Only get the flame close enough to allow your oils to seep into the Health Stone. This should enable you to steadily sip on your concentrate rig, rather than quickly rip it as one might with a standard flower bowl.

Note: If you only have a large torch such as a This Thing Rips (SToK), Vector, or Big Shot, you might want to consider purchasing a smaller cigar-style lighter. Health Stone specifically recommends the Eternity Triple Flame torch, but any smaller torch will do. The less intense flame enables you to have better control and consume your concentrates without combusting them. 

How to insert replacement Vapor Stones into your Health Stone slide:

Health Stone’s Vapor Stones have a slight taper to them. You want to make sure the smaller side is inserted first, with the larger side face up. Don’t apply pressure when inserting your Vapor Stone, it should fall right into place. If your Vapor Stone doesn’t fall right into place, you’re not doing it correctly.

As you use your pipe and Vapor Stone, residue will keep the stone locked into place and prevent it from moving. To remove your Vapor Stone, simply heat it up as you would for normal use and tap it out of the bowl. The stone will obviously be hot, so make sure not to touch the stone or tap it out onto any object that could be damaged by heat.

Click here to check out Smoke Cartel’s selection of Health Stone products!

About the Author

Smoke Cartel - Online Headshop

Smoke Cartel Crew

Written by the staff here at Smoke Cartel. Our passionate team of headshop professionals are dedicated to educating people on products in the online headshop industry, from glass, to vaporizes, and all the consumption devices and accessories in between.

We believe that knowing how your products are made, what they were originally designed for, and how to properly use them - is essential to keeping our customers happy. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to reach out to us!

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