As someone who doesn't smoke that often, I didn't really know what to expect from this piece. However, I was actually really excited to use the rig because of its simplicity. It's only 7 inches tall, has a streamlined design, and is made in the USA: sounds like a good deal to me. I thought the concept of a lower profile "injector" style nail was really nice.
As for the functionality, this rig did what was promised. This is a really solid piece that produces a surprisingly large amount of air flow and despite the unassuming perc, it bubbled up really nicely. As someone who doesn't like feeling like my throat has become the Sahara desert after I take a hit, this rig was smooth and clean. The flavor profile wasn't super strong after the percolation, but to me that isn't a big deal. If you are someone who likes a big throat kick and a lot of flavor, you may want to go with the "sidecar" version of this rig which is smaller and has less filtration.
That being said, Purr has great injector style rigs for all preferences. As for myself, I was not disappointed to add this to my collection. It's small, nice looking, and dependable. When I do get a chance to smoke, I know it won't disappoint. My friends were happy with it too. It's quality glass, and as a casual smoker, this rig provides exactly what I need: good airflow, subtle flavor, and a low profile.