Death & Decay Electroplated Water Pipe

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About this Product

Product SKU: PP3956

Introducing the Death & Decay Electroplated Water Pipe, standing tall at 10.75 inches. This straight body water pipe is a true masterpiece of high-quality glass, and it's got a feature that's sure to turn heads – a metallic gold electroplated finish that absolutely rocks!

Equipped with a 14.5mm female joint, this pipe means business. The fixed, reinforced downstem leads the way to a disc perc, ensuring that every rip you take from the angled mouthpiece on top is nothing short of smooth and satisfying.

But it's not just about function; it's about style too. The macabre death and decay design is a statement in itself, adding a unique and edgy touch to this stunning piece. Get ready for a smoking experience that not only delivers, but also stands out in the crowd.

The Death & Decay Electroplated Water Pipe isn't just a smoking accessory; it's a work of art that's designed to elevate your sessions. Prepare for rips that are not only smooth but delivered in style with this one-of-a-kind water pipe!

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All products on this site are intended for tobacco or legal dry herb usage.


10.75 Inches



Female Joint


Joint Angle

High Quality Glass


  • 10.75 Inches
  • Angled Neck with Rimmed Mouthpiece
  • Death & Decay Design
  • Disc Perc
  • Fixed Reinforced Downstem
  • Includes 14.5mm Male Bowl w/ Handle
  • Metallic Gold Electroplated Finish
  • Straight Body Water Pipe
  • Water Pipe