Corkscrew Shroom Bubbler Pipe - Twist and Turn with Style | Smoke Cartel

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Corkscrew Shroom Bubbler Pipe

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About this Product

Product SKU: PP3639

Become pleasantly twisted out of shape using this cool pipe with the corkscrew mushroom design. You’ll definitely turn some heads when you pull this pipe out at your next gathering!

The Corkscrew Shroom Bubbler Pipe is made of borosilicate glass so it can take what you dish out. It’s a stunning piece with bright green mushrooms seemingly sprouting from the bubble base. It measures 6.5 inches in length.

 This innovative handheld bubbler can be used with just one hand. The tapered mouthpiece at the end of the twisted bent neck makes it comfortable to hit and easy to pass among friends. 

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datapoint:6.5 Inches|Length


6.5 Inches


Borosilicate Glass


  • Bubbler
  • Bubbler Style Hand Pipe
  • Durable
  • Mushroom Design

How It's Made
Glass Spoon Pipes

Despite their straightforward nature, making hand pipes requires a large amount of training and experience. Glass artists start with a tube about four inches long and decorate it with a variety of techniques such as fuming, linework, etc. Next the artist starts to create the shape of the pipe by stretching the neck and forming the mouthpiece. The artist then carefully blows into the end of the tube to expand the glass and shape the bowl. They then push the bowl and pop the carb before placing it in the kiln to finish!